Commercial Sweeping Services 

Commercial properties have regulations and Health and Safety stipulations. As HETAS Registered and Sweep Safe Certified, Cross Solutions works with property companies and landlords. 
Out of hours and weekend service is available to suit a property owner, landlord or business owner to avoid any disruption to service or inconvenience to your customers or service users. Chimney sweeping and other services are delivered in a safe and professional manner and to a high standard of customer service. 

 Rodtech Technology 

Cross Solutions work with the very latest in Rodtech and RPS Snaplock equipment using a comprehensive and robust rotary power sweeping system for a thorough service. This keeps the soot and chimney waste contained for minimal disruption to your commercial property. 

Stately Homes 

Large listed properties and stately homes require specific care and attention to detail when it comes to the chimney sweeping process. Cross Solutions has the expertise and experience to deliver a service tailored specifically for each property using specialist equipment, conforming to maintenance on the building. Air filtering equipment, waste vacuums and covers are used to enclose the working area and prevent excess mess. 

 Restaurants and Public Houses 

Restaurants and public houses require regular sweeps to their chimneys and vents. Cross Solutions willingly take on contract work so the chimney waste is regularly cleaned and the out of hours service, minimises disruption to the business. Using the latest in Rodtech and RPS Snaplock equipment, means the sweep will not leave any mess. Certificates are issued for Health and Safety and insurance purposes. 
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